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Mushrooms can “talk” to each other — and they get extra chatty after a rain, study suggests |

What has no eyes, ears, brains or nerves, but still manages to talk?The answer is mushrooms — which, despite appearing docile and still as plants, are most definitely not, as they do not even photosynthesize. Yet these inanimate fungi have incredible ways of communicating that researchers are only beginning to understand.A new study in the…

How can Traditional African and Chinese Medicine Decolonise Global Health? Dr. Lai and Dr. Boubacar

Decolonizing Medicine

[embed][/embed] Join us for our fourth installment in the ‘Actions to Decolonising Development’ video series, where our Research and Policy Analyst, Sena Voncujovi, and Economist Consultant, Rugare Mukanganga, sit down with Dr. Lili Lai, Associate Professor of Anthropology at PKU, and Dr. Diarra Boubacar, a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Together,…

Scientists Have ID’d the Worm in Your Mescal – Scientific American

Scientific inspiration can strike anywhere—even at a restaurant bar in Oaxaca, Mexico. That’s where a team of insect researchers decided to use DNA sequencing to identify what larva lurks in bottles of the nation’s iconic alcohol, mescal.“We were taking a break, we were at a restaurant, and then we just saw these bottles,” says Akito…

Centennial of the Planetarium

Centennial of the Planetarium

Celebrate the Centennial of the Planetarium with us from 2023 to 2025!Since the beginning of time, man has been fascinated by the starry sky and the secrets of the universe. The sky was brought down to earth in October 1923 when the first planetarium projector was unveiled in Jena, Germany. The first planetarium opened to…

Decoding da Vinci | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

Decoding da Vinci | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

[embed][/embed] Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance genius. Not only did he paint masterpieces of art, but he was an obsessive scientist and inventor, dreaming up complex machines centuries ahead of his time, including parachutes, armored tanks, hang gliders, and robots. On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, with the help of biographer Walter Isaacson,…

Leonardo noted link between gravity and acceleration centuries before Einstein | Ars Technica

Leonardo noted link between gravity and acceleration
Leonardo noted link between gravity and acceleration centuries before Einstein by Jennifer Ouellette (Ars Technica)

Caltech engineers even re-created his experiment with a modern apparatus.

Caltech engineer Mory Gharib was poring over the digitized notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci one day, looking for sketches of flow visualization to share with his graduate students for inspiration. That’s when he noticed several small sketches of triangles, whose geometry seemed to be determined by grains of sand poured out from a jar. Further…

Riddle solved: Why was Roman concrete so durable? | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT-Roman Concrete Photo of a building on the left, microscopic view of a piece of concrete on the right.
Riddle solved: Why was Roman concrete so durable? (MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Researchers have discovered ancient Roman concrete-manufacturing strategies that incorporated self-healing. Applying this knowledge toward modern cement production, they hope to improve the material’s environmental impact.

Previously disregarded as merely evidence of sloppy mixing practices, or poor-quality raw materials, the new study suggests that these tiny lime clasts gave the concrete a previously unrecognized self-healing capability. “The idea that the presence of these lime clasts was simply attributed to low quality control always bothered me,” says Masic. “If the Romans put…

More homes using heat pumps as cheaper, greener alternative to fossil fuels – YouTube

Heat Pumps
More homes using heat pumps as cheaper, greener alternative to fossil fuels (YouTube)

U.S. emissions fell during the height of the pandemic as people were stuck at home, but that changed as the pandemic eased. Many researchers, scientists and …

[embed][/embed] U.S. emissions fell during the height of the pandemic as people were stuck at home, but that changed as the pandemic eased. Many researchers, scientists and lawmakers argue that Americans need to reduce their use of fossil fuels much sooner than they may have planned. Miles O’Brien reports on an alternative for home heating…

This Herb FIGHTS Infection, RELIEVE Fever, Pain & TREAT Hypertension #LemonGrass #jamaican

💪This Herb FIGHTS Infection, RELIEVE Fever, Pain & TREAT Hypertension #LemonGrass #jamaican from YouTube

What Is Lemon Grass Good For? Watch for full disclosure. SEE ALSO 👉 Surprising Health Benefits Of Rosemary:…&v=CSOtruX9QnQ&

[embed][/embed] Twice As Nice! Today I revisited AA farms and met up with Ainsworth and his wife Addia. And this time we uncover the hidden secrets of Lemon Grass aka Fever Grass! Get ready for another exciting learning adventure as we continue this special series on these medicinal herbs of Jamaica

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