The evolving image of the European in African art from antiquity until the 19th century: from Roman captives in Kush, to Portuguese traders in Benin, to Belgian colonialists in Congo. | Isaac Samuel

The evolving image of the European in African art from antiquity until the 19th century

While studies of “otherness” have been recently popularized across various fields, they often focus on the images of foreign individuals or groups made by artists living in the western world (such as the depictions of people of African descent made by artists of European descent living in places where the latter were socially dominant), rarely…

Chakula cha Mchana! Time for lunch

Roasted Cauliflower

[sc name="voicefem" ][/sc] Chakula cha Mchana! (Swahili for, “Time for lunch!”) Basics | Coffee | RecipesLong before the first bento box was laquered in Japan, Africans were carrying their lunches to school and work.  The traditions vary from country to country and across ethnic groups.  I haven’t managed to find any specific information on special…

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