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Archaeological Tropes That Perpetuate Colonialism

Archaeological Tropes That Perpetuate Colonialism – SAPIENS (SAPIENS)

Two Indigenous archaeologists in the U.S. Southwest shed light on how “abandonment” and similar terms continue to cause harm.

Two Indigenous archaeologists from the U.S. Southwest shed light on how “abandonment” and other common archaeological terms continue to cause harm. They offer insights into how to rewrite narratives of the past.

Ancient Maya city was built with stronger plaster | Popular Science

An ancient Maya city might seem an unlikely place for people to be experimenting with proprietary chemicals. But scientists think that’s exactly what happened at Copán, an archaeological complex nestled in a valley in the mountainous rainforests of what is now western Honduras.By historians’ reckoning, Copán’s golden age began in 427 CE, when a king named Yax Kʼukʼ Moʼ came to the valley from the northwest. His dynasty built one of the jewels of the Maya world, but abandoned it by the 10th century, leaving its courts and plazas to the mercy of the jungle. More than 1,000 years later, Copán’s buildings have kept remarkably well, despite baking in the tropical sun and humidity for so long.

Source: Ancient Maya city was built with stronger plaster | Popular Science

Missouri House Republicans vote to defund libraries

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.The Missouri House debated for over eight hours last Tuesday on a budget that is roughly $2 billion less than the one Gov. Mike Parson…

The next act in the fight against Line 3? A museum on treaty rights – Minnesota Reformer

The former Carnegie Library/Enbridge office in Park Rapids, Minnesota. Courtesy photo.

A treaty between the United States government and the Ojibwe (or Anishinaabeg) signed in Washington, DC, nearly 170 years ago will be the main focus of a new museum set to open this summer in Park Rapids.But far from being a history museum, the organizers behind Giiwedinong: The Museum and Cultural Center of the North…

Responding to Indigenous, Vatican rejects Discovery Doctrine

Vatican rejects Discovery Doctrine

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican on Thursday responded to Indigenous demands and formally repudiated the “Doctrine of Discovery,” the theories backed by 15th-century “papal bulls” that legitimized the colonial-era seizure of Native lands and form the basis of some property laws today.A Vatican statement said the papal bulls, or decrees, “did not adequately reflect…

Bestiary of the Andes: Legends of demons and beasts of Peru part 3

Bestiary of the Andes: Legends of demons and beasts of Peru part 3

[embed][/embed] An overview of Peruvian deities and creatures. Get a private virtual city tour with me! This could be a great present for someone who loves Latin American history and Peru, just send me a message and I’ll answer right away. Amigos! Here is our latest YouTube upload, continuing with my city tours, cooking classes,…

Museums and Universities Pledge to Return Native American Remains — ProPublica

Fire Flower

Until this year, the University of Kentucky’s William S. Webb Museum of Anthropology had never returned any of the more than 4,500 Native American human remains in its collections.That is about to change.Weeks after ProPublica published the “Repatriation Project,” the university told federal officials that 138 ancestral remains in its collection could be repatriated to…

UC Berkeley Professor Taught with Suspected Native American Remains — ProPublica

A Top UC Berkeley Professor Taught With Remains That May Include Dozens of Native Americans
ProPublica (ProPublica)

Despite decades of Indigenous activism and resistance, UC Berkeley has failed to return the remains of thousands of Native Americans to tribes. The university is still discovering more human remains in its collection.

White, a world-renowned expert on human evolution, said the collection was passed down through generations of anthropology professors before he started teaching with it in the late 1970s. It came with no records, he said. Most were not labeled at all or said only “lab.” But that simple description masked a dark history, UC Berkeley…

Explore the Oldest Digitized Photos from the Schomburg Center | The New York Public Library

Type of Resource still image Genre Photographs Date Created 1840 - 1849 Division Schomburg Center

The Schomburg Center’s Photographs and Prints Division houses more than 500,000 photographs, lithographs, and engravings by and about Black people in the U.S., Africa, and the wider African Diaspora. Recently, 17 daguerreotype portraits in the Division dating from the 1840s to 1850s, most of them featuring Black subjects, were digitized and are now available to…

CrimethInc. : Escaping Washington for Freedom : Let’s not Celebrate George Washington, but the Slaves Who Escaped Him

Escaping Washington for Freedom (CrimethInc.)

This text is part of a larger examination of the Founding Fathers, colonialism, and resistance.

President’s Day, a federal holiday, observes George Washington’s birthday on February 22. Yet as a slave owner and profiteer on others’ servitude, George Washington is a poor exemplar of the struggle for freedom. Rather than looking to him for a model representing resistance to tyranny, let’s remember the slaves and indentured servants who sought to…

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