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Archaeological Tropes That Perpetuate Colonialism

Archaeological Tropes That Perpetuate Colonialism – SAPIENS (SAPIENS)

Two Indigenous archaeologists in the U.S. Southwest shed light on how “abandonment” and similar terms continue to cause harm.

Two Indigenous archaeologists from the U.S. Southwest shed light on how “abandonment” and other common archaeological terms continue to cause harm. They offer insights into how to rewrite narratives of the past.

Ancient Maya city was built with stronger plaster | Popular Science

An ancient Maya city might seem an unlikely place for people to be experimenting with proprietary chemicals. But scientists think that’s exactly what happened at Copán, an archaeological complex nestled in a valley in the mountainous rainforests of what is now western Honduras.By historians’ reckoning, Copán’s golden age began in 427 CE, when a king named Yax Kʼukʼ Moʼ came to the valley from the northwest. His dynasty built one of the jewels of the Maya world, but abandoned it by the 10th century, leaving its courts and plazas to the mercy of the jungle. More than 1,000 years later, Copán’s buildings have kept remarkably well, despite baking in the tropical sun and humidity for so long.

Source: Ancient Maya city was built with stronger plaster | Popular Science

Lecture: She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia ca. 3400-2000 BC

Lecture: She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia ca. 3400-2000 BC

[embed][/embed] Sidney Babcock, the Jeannette and Jonathan Rosen Curator and Department Head of the Department of Ancient Western Asian Seals and Tablets and curator of She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia ca. 3400-2000 B.C., provides an overview of the exhibition’s themes and highlights several key objects. The show brings together for the first…

An Oregon boy found a mammoth tooth in his grandmother’s backyard – The Washington Post

“We were all pretty shocked and excited,” Johnson said. “We’ve enjoyed rockhounding in our family for years, but nobody has ever found anything like this.”“It’s definitely much cooler than the stuff I found as a kid,” she added.O’Grady was also enthusiastic about Jeremiah’s backyard discovery. Johnson had emailed him photos of the grooved tooth after…

Ancient Treasures: An Exclusive Tour of the Penn Museum

[embed][/embed] In this video I team up with none other than my favorite Near East archaeologist and Bagdad Battery skeptic: Dr. Brad Hafford. Career archaeologist and fellow YouTube teacher (@artifactuallyspeaking) Dr. Hafford takes us on a tour through the collections of the Penn Museum in Philadelphia. We will see ancient pottery, mysterious incantation bowls inscribed…

Archaeologists Unearth Buddha Statue in Ancient Egyptian Port City | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

Archaeologists Unearth Buddha Statue in Ancient Egyptian Port City

Researchers have discovered a two-foot-tall Buddha statue in Berenike, an ancient Egyptian port city. The artifact is the first Buddha ever found west of Afghanistan, according to the New York Review of Books’ William Dalrymple. Made from Mediterranean marble, it provides new evidence of trade between ancient Rome and India.Based on stylistic details, the researchers…

Archaeologists have uncovered the first human representations of the people of mythical Tartessos – Arkeonews

Archaeologists have uncovered the first human representations of the people of mythical Tartessos

The team from Mérida’s Institute of Archaeology believes two of the busts discovered in what is thought to be a shrine or pantheon represent Tartessian goddesses, despite the fact that Tartessian religion was previously thought to be aniconic (opposed to the use of idols or images).The stone busts’ facial depiction, as well as the inclusion…

Kush: Ancient Sudan


[embed][/embed] Khartoum neolithic ceramics. Nabta Playa. Vulva petroglyphs. Stone figurines. Female icons of the “A-group” neolithic. Incised and painted pottery. Ritual stands. C-group archaeology. Megalithic burials. New styles of female figurines and incised ceramics. Black-on-red pots, a Nile valley pattern shared with late neolithic Egypt. The Kerma culture, class stratified kingdom with impressive architecture. Ivory…

2,000 mummified ram heads unearthed at Egyptian temple to Ramses II | The Times of Israel

2,000 mummified ram heads unearthed at Egyptian temple to Ramses II

CAIRO — Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered more than 2,000 ancient mummified sheep heads left as offerings in a temple to the pharaoh Ramses II, the tourism and antiquities ministry says.Mummies of dogs, goats, cows, gazelles and mongooses were also exhumed by a team of US archaeologists from New York University at Abydos, a site…

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