Ukraine war: Funeral held for battleground body collector – BBC News

Denys Sosnenko – a 21-year-old former Ukrainian national kickboxing champion – volunteered last year to work as a body collector for a charitable organisation known as Black Tulip, who scour the frontlines for the abandoned corpses of soldiers, both Ukrainian and Russian.”Denys – there are many angels on your shoulders today – the angels of those you brought back home,” said Alexey Yukov, the local head of Black Tulip, addressing the crowd. “Because of your work so many soldiers, who died in places no one would ever have looked, have been reunited with their families.”

Source: Ukraine war: Funeral held for battleground body collector – BBC News

Ukraine war: Funeral held for battleground body collector (BBC News Article by Andrew Harding in Slovyansk, Ukraine)

Against a backdrop of muffled booms from the frontlines to the south and east, people sank to their knees and threw roses in front of the van as it inched past them.

Nicole Lasher standing in the central bus station at Lev Hamifrats in Haifa, Israel
K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of ModernTraditional, and other cultural and quirky sites. I am one of those odd people born to curate, with a real passion for marketing. If you have some art, music, writing, or other content that needs more love, feel free to contact me. I work on a donate when and what you are able basis. To do so, hit my Paypal or Patreon. Let's survive capitalism together, and try to have some fun confusing the exploitative.

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of ModernTraditional, and other cultural and quirky sites. I am one of those odd people born to curate, with a real passion for marketing. If you have some art, music, writing, or other content that needs more love, feel free to contact me. I work on a donate when and what you are able basis. To do so, hit my Paypal or Patreon. Let's survive capitalism together, and try to have some fun confusing the exploitative.

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