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Noah’s ark was round – so the ancient tablet tells us | Books | The Guardian

“The man who is tired of tablets is tired of life,” he announces in his delightful new book, The Ark Before Noah, which sets out to demonstrate that the biblical flood narrative was derived from stories that had been embedded in Sumerian and Babylonian society and literature for thousands of years. Source: Noah’s ark was…

The Man Who Took Down a $3 Billion Funeral Empire – YouTube

“I made a huge mistake.” – Ray Loewen (probably)

As one of the commenters says, she posts about death and funerals yet the scariest thing she’s posted as yet is about a corporation. I’ve seen the video on the health “guru” who starved her followers to death, but this Loewen stuff. This is just cold. Watch and learn how exploitative some in the funeral industry can be.

Huge BBQ Meat Smokers!! EXTREME BARBECUE Tour in Lexington, North Carolina! – YouTube

[embed][/embed] Right in the heart of Lexington, North Carolina, Lexington Barbecue is known to be one of the best places for bbq in North Carolina. They slow smoke pork shoulders using a time proven process. The pork is ready, it’s chopped, mixed with sauce, and you can specify the different chopped coarseness you prefer. Along…

The Green Gang 青幫 – The Full History of China’s Most Powerful Gang | Old Shanghai – YouTube

[embed][/embed] The full history of China’s most powerful organized crime group from Shanghai. In this video we discuss the early origins of the gang, the height of their power, the most prominent members and their ultimate downfall. The time period of the gangs operations span from the late 1800s to the late 1940s. The Green…

Exploring the Italian Region that DOESN’T EXIST – YouTube

[embed][/embed] MOLISE: The Italian Region that Doesn’t Exist | The Food of MoliseLegend says that Italy has a region called “Molise.” The only problem is that Italians can’t agree on whether it really exists or not! Today we’re wandering into uncharted territory to see if Molise is real and, if so, what kind of food…

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