Women Burn Hijabs in Iran as Protests Escalate over Killing of Mahsa Amini by “Morality Police” – YouTube

Protests in Iran continue after the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman in custody of the so-called morality police. Mahsa Amini died last week after being detained for allegedly leaving some of her hair visible in violation of an Iranian law requiring women to cover their heads. Witnesses said Amini was severely beaten by police, but authorities claim she died of natural causes.

For the same reason we’re against hijab bans, we are against hijab enforcement. How much or how little a woman wears does not justify violence or discrimination against her. We support the freedom of the people of Iran against religious oppression.

My FAVOURITE Head Covering Styles as a Jewish Woman | Best Hair Covering tips to STOP the slipping!

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aEdry50u3A&ab_channel=frumitup[/embed] Today I am so excited because I will share with you My FAVOURITE Head Covering Styles as a Jewish Orthodox Woman as well as my 5 Best Hair Covering tips to make head covering easy for long, short or thin hair and to STOP any headscarves from slipping off.

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