The Final Lap of – It All Ends February 2024

MeAs some of you who’ve been reading us awhile already know, this is the final year of unless it somehow starts paying for itself. This would mean everyone who’s benefited from having us around chipping in to make sure they keep doing so, but I don’t see that happening. In the new internet, most people don’t see how much of what little discoverability they have is because of topical websites finding them interesting and sharing them. They don’t use the internet beyond centralized social media, so they don’t know what goes on out here.

I’ve held on for as long as I could, through two knee replacements, family ups and downs, and more, but at this point I can no longer justify the expense, much less consider adding to it. I have to look into how I’m going to survive capitalism in the web of the future. It might mean working for someone else. It might mean a shift to focus on my more “offline” talents.

What drove me to write about this now, a quick post before I go to the grocery store to attempt my monthly miracle of “making a dollar out of 15 cents”, is that Press This has stopped working. So I no longer have an easy way to share sites. I have to copy, paste, edit, resize images, download them if they didn’t automatically from the URL, etc.

This will make what was an hour of work into two or three cumulatively. So now aside of the account budget, we have a time issue. I’ll still be posting, but much more slowly and much more selectively.

When February rolls around, will still exist. I will try to keep the sites up as long as I can afford to, to avoid link rot. I’ll just be walking away from them. Whatever is new will be on my blog, readings and mystical arts, and ile sites.

It has been a fun 20 years. I’ll be back when or if the internet ever swings back to valuing websites.

Blessings and Ashe!

Nicole Lasher standing in the central bus station at Lev Hamifrats in Haifa, Israel
K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of ModernTraditional, and other cultural and quirky sites. I am one of those odd people born to curate, with a real passion for marketing. If you have some art, music, writing, or other content that needs more love, feel free to contact me. I work on a donate when and what you are able basis. To do so, hit my Paypal or Patreon. Let's survive capitalism together, and try to have some fun confusing the exploitative.

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of ModernTraditional, and other cultural and quirky sites. I am one of those odd people born to curate, with a real passion for marketing. If you have some art, music, writing, or other content that needs more love, feel free to contact me. I work on a donate when and what you are able basis. To do so, hit my Paypal or Patreon. Let's survive capitalism together, and try to have some fun confusing the exploitative.


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