The Lord of the Rings and its far right fans | Tapestry with Mary Hynes | Live Radio | CBC Listen

Fascism and LOTR Fandom in Italy
The Lord of the Rings and its far right fans from

The dangers of traditionalism when the tradition is fascism or some other dysfunctional political stream.

Why is Lord of the Rings and fantasy novels so intriguing to conservatives and the far right? Journalist John Last has been researching the links between The Lord of the Rings and Italian fascist movements. He talks about how the Italian prime minister’s love for Tolkien is interwoven with her politics. Source: The Lord of…

The history of the raised fist, a global symbol of fighting oppression

George Floyd Memorial - A young man and woman hug each other in shared grief while the woman raises a fist. by James Stout (National Geographic)

The forceful salute is intertwined with some of the 20th century’s most tumultuous events, including conflicts with fascism.

One of the earliest known instances in the U.S. of a protester brandishing a raised fist occurred in 1913, when “Big Bill” Haywood spoke to strikers during the Paterson silk strike in New Jersey. Haywood, a founding member of the union Industrial Workers of the World, preached working-class solidarity across all races and trades. Source:…

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